New N900 and my plan to sync with Kontact

I have a new toy – a Nokia N900 cell phone.  It is a nice gadget. But I miss a easy way to synchronize my contacts, calendars, tasks etc. with KDE’s Kontact.

N900 <-> USB/WLAN <-> Laptop/Kontact

Yesterday I ask for a solution to synchronize (at freenode#kontact). The answers are more or less: Setting up a Groupware-Solution (e.g. Horde) – sync the phone with this server – sync Kontact with the server.

But I think there must be easier solution for “normal” users without setting up such a server. And now I have a new long-term pet project. 🙂

I found a few tools that I could possibly use (The list is not exhaustive.):

But at first I have to bootstrap my C++, Qt and KDE-programming knowledge. My plan is to help kde-pim a little bit to become familiar with the whole environment. At the moment I’m setting up a KDE development environment. It runs in a VM. If I have more experience, I will run it directly on my gentoo os.

So, qt-copy is compiling… 😉

Btw. I finished the go-lang tutorial. I like the language. But at the moment I have no project to use it.